STRAIGHT TALK NO SUGAR ADDED! Challenge and Transform your Thinking Fri, 15 Mar 2024 04:59:18 +0000 en-US hourly 1 STRAIGHT TALK NO SUGAR ADDED! 32 32 152913384 Unveiling Your Vision: A Path to Success Fri, 15 Mar 2024 04:59:14 +0000 Unveiling Your Vision: A Path to Success Read More »

Unveiling Your Vision: A Path to Success

In this blog post, we explore the importance of having a clear vision for your business and life, as highlighted by Neena Perez.

Neena Perez’s Approach

Welcome to a world where success is not just a dream but a tangible reality waiting to be unveiled. Neena Perez’s approach focuses on empowering individuals, especially women, to step into their full potential and create thriving coaching and consulting businesses. Let’s delve into the core elements of Neena Perez’s approach that can help you pave your path towards success.

Emphasizing Unveiling Your Vision for Success

At the heart of Neena Perez’s approach lies the belief that success starts with a clear and compelling vision. By unveiling your vision for success, you can set the stage for all your future endeavors. Neena Perez understands that clarifying your goals and aspirations is the first step towards manifesting them into reality.

Through personalized coaching and guidance, Neena Perez helps individuals dig deep within themselves to unearth their true desires and ambitions. By aligning your actions with your vision, you can create a roadmap that leads straight to success.

Empowering Women to Create Coaching and Consulting Businesses

Neena Perez’s approach is laser-focused on empowering women to step into leadership roles and create successful coaching and consulting businesses. By providing mentorship, resources, and a supportive community, Neena Perez ensures that every woman has the tools she needs to thrive in the world of entrepreneurship.

Whether you’re a seasoned professional looking to start your consulting business or a budding entrepreneur eager to dive into the world of coaching, Neena Perez’s approach offers tailored support to help you achieve your goals. Through strategic planning and personalized guidance, Neena Perez equips women with the knowledge and confidence to navigate the business landscape effectively.

Setting a Destination for Your Vision Like a GPS

Just like a GPS guides you to your desired destination, Neena Perez’s approach encourages you to set a clear destination for your vision. By defining specific and achievable milestones, you can track your progress and stay focused on your ultimate goals.

Neena Perez emphasizes the importance of creating a roadmap that outlines each step towards success. Whether it’s refining your skills, expanding your network, or securing new opportunities, Neena Perez’s approach helps you navigate the path to success with precision and purpose.

In conclusion, Neena Perez’s approach is a transformative journey that empowers individuals to step into their full potential, create thriving businesses, and navigate the road to success with confidence. By emphasizing the unveiling of your vision, empowering women in entrepreneurship, and setting clear destinations for success, Neena Perez’s approach paves the way for a future filled with achievement and fulfillment.

Maria Cardona’s Journey

Maria Cardona, a prominent figure, found herself in a situation familiar to many – battling feelings of inadequacy and self-doubt while speaking at a women’s event in the beautiful Dominican Republic. Despite her accomplishments and expertise, the daunting task of addressing a diverse group of women left her feeling like an imposter.

However, it was through this experience that Maria uncovered a valuable lesson – the power of authenticity and vulnerability in connecting with others. She realized that by sharing her fears and insecurities, she was able to resonate with people on a deeper level and forge genuine connections.

Authenticity, often misconstrued as a sign of weakness, proved to be Maria’s greatest strength. She learned that vulnerability is not a flaw to be hidden but a powerful tool that can inspire and uplift others. By embracing her vulnerabilities and sharing her journey openly, Maria was able to touch hearts and make a lasting impact.

  • Facing Imposter Syndrome: Despite her expertise, Maria felt like an imposter while addressing the women’s event in the Dominican Republic. This experience shed light on the common phenomenon of imposter syndrome, where individuals doubt their abilities and feel like frauds despite evidence of success.

  • The Power of Authenticity: Through her struggles, Maria discovered that authenticity is key to building genuine connections. By being true to herself and sharing her authentic story, she was able to foster trust and empathy among the audience.

  • Embracing Vulnerability: Instead of shying away from vulnerability, Maria embraced it as a means to inspire others. She realized that by showing her human side and sharing her vulnerabilities, she could empower others to embrace their own imperfections and strive for growth.

  • Transforming Weakness into Strength: Maria’s journey exemplifies how vulnerability can be transformed from a perceived weakness into a powerful tool for connection and inspiration. By owning her vulnerabilities, she was able to turn them into sources of strength and resilience.

Maria Cardona’s story serves as a reminder that true strength lies in embracing our authentic selves and sharing our vulnerabilities with courage. By being open and vulnerable, we not only connect with others on a deeper level but also inspire them to embrace their own uniqueness and journey towards personal growth.

Navigating Your Path

When it comes to navigating your path in life, it’s essential to embrace flexibility and acknowledge that you don’t have all the answers. Each individual’s journey is unique, and being open to new possibilities can lead to unexpected opportunities for growth and learning.

As you embark on your personal and professional endeavors, remember to build the map as you go towards your vision. While having a clear goal in mind is important, the path to success is rarely linear. Embrace detours and setbacks as valuable learning experiences that can ultimately help you refine your direction towards your desired destination.

It’s crucial to think about where you want to go and actively work towards it. Visualizing your aspirations and setting achievable milestones can provide you with a roadmap to follow. By taking consistent steps towards your goals, you can make progress and stay motivated along the way.

Remember, the journey towards success is often filled with twists and turns. Embrace the unknown, stay resilient in the face of challenges, and trust in your ability to navigate through uncharted waters. By staying flexible, building your path step by step, and working diligently towards your goals, you can create a fulfilling and purposeful journey tailored to your unique aspirations.


Stay flexible and open-minded, adapt your path as you progress towards your goals, and actively work towards your vision to create a fulfilling journey towards success.

Let’s talk About Shame! Mon, 26 Dec 2022 17:06:55 +0000 Let’s talk About Shame! Read More »

Shame. It’s a powerful emotion that can keep us from making healthy choices. Shame is something we all experience at some point in our lives, but when it’s toxic shame, it becomes a problem that keeps us from becoming the best versions of ourselves. In these series of posts, I’ll explore what toxic shame is and how it develops in childhood (and beyond).

But before we get into that: Let’s talk about how shame can be healthy.

Shame can be a healthy emotion because it pushes us to act in a way that makes us feel better about ourselves.

Shame is a healthy emotion because it helps us avoid doing things that make us feel bad about ourselves.

For example, when you’re feeling shame for an action you took or something you said, your reaction might be to say “I’m sorry” or apologize in some way. This can make you feel better about the situation and can repair your relationship with the person(s) involved.

In addition to this kind of immediate response, shame also motivates people to change their behavior so that they don’t experience shame again in the future. For example, if someone feels ashamed after making a racist comment at work (or anywhere else), they may decide not to make another racist comment again so as not to be shamed again by others who hear them speak out against discrimination/racism.

When we do something wrong, shame is what makes us want to make amends and feel better about ourselves.

When we do something wrong, shame is what makes us want to make amends and feel better about ourselves. Shame is not a bad emotion; it’s a healthy one! When we feel ashamed of our behavior, it’s because we don’t want to be seen in that way by others. So when someone else calls us out on something they think is wrong or mean, there’s a chance that feeling of shame may be triggered.

Shame isn’t about how you see yourself as a person—it’s about seeing yourself in certain situations or activities where your actions don’t match up with how you want them to look like. But just because those feelings of shame get triggered doesn’t mean anything about who you are as a person! Shame can actually be an important motivator for making positive changes in our lives: if someone is ashamed of their weight and makes steps toward losing weight (like joining a weight-loss program), they’re clearly trying to improve themselves in some way—and that takes courage!

However, when shame is not expressed in a healthy way, it can grow into toxic shame.

However, when shame is not expressed in a healthy way, it can grow into toxic shame. Toxic shame is the feeling that there is something wrong with you as a person. It causes us to feel like we are not good enough and can lead to low self esteem, depression and anxiety.

Toxic shame keeps us from doing things that could make us feel better.

Toxic shame can be the result of trauma as a child that has left you with feelings of unworthiness or not being good enough. Toxic shame keeps us from doing things that could make us feel better, such as exercising, going to therapy, seeking out a mentor or even just asking for help in general. Asking for help requires vulnerability and courage—two things toxic shame will do anything it can to prevent you from having.

Toxic shame also prevents you from loving yourself fully by constantly telling you that no one will love you if they really knew who you were (which is simply not true). Toxic shame is like an internal bully: It tells us lies about ourselves so we don’t trust ourselves enough to take action in our lives or pursue our dreams. The more we listen and believe those lies without questioning them, the more power they have over us and the more likely they are to stick around indefinitely!

It paralyzes you and keeps you from making amends and moving forward.

Shame is a feeling. It can be healthy or toxic. Healthy shame is motivating, encouraging you to make amends and move forward. Toxic shame, however, keeps you paralyzed as it keeps you from making amends and moving forward.

If you feel ashamed of something it’s time to ask yourself: what do I need to do next? Do I need to make amends? Do I need more accountability? Why am I feeling this way right now? What can help me heal in this moment so that my negative feelings about myself don’t fester into something worse later on down the road (like self sabotage or other bad behaviors)?

When you have toxic shame, it doesn’t help you mend relationships or avoid harmful patterns in the future like health shame might.

Toxic shame, on the other hand, doesn’t help you mend relationships or avoid harmful patterns in the future like health shame might. Instead, toxic shame causes you to feel like you’re unworthy of love and belonging. You start to believe that your mistakes indicate something about who you are as a person instead of just being a mistake that can be overcome with time and effort.

The result is a vicious cycle: the more ashamed you feel about something in your past, the less likely it is that you will trust yourself enough to try again in future relationships or experiences; meanwhile, feeling more isolated from others creates even more opportunities for new mistakes which further isolate us from those around us!

Toxic shame can be the result of trauma as a child that has left you with feelings of unworthiness or not being good enough.

If you have toxic shame, you may feel unworthy, guilty and bad about yourself. You might also be embarrassed by your own thoughts and behaviors. Toxic shame can be the result of trauma as a child that has left you with feelings of unworthiness or not being good enough. Toxic shame often has its roots in childhood abuse or neglect and how it was handled in your family when it occurred.

If you are experiencing toxic shame, there are ways to overcome it:

  • Talk to someone who understands what you’re going through; they will validate your feelings and help put them into perspective.
  • Write down all the things that make YOU special – whatever they may be! This can help remind us who we truly are despite any past experiences that tell us otherwise (i.e., “I’m smart”)

Toxic shame affects so many people’s lives because nobody wants to feel like they are less than everyone else around them — but sometimes our self-esteem gets so low it becomes impossible for us not to define ourselves based upon our shortcomings instead of our strengths!

Some of these experiences in childhood include things like being neglected, abused physically or emotionally, losing someone important too soon, being bullied at school or having others tell you that you’re bad or unworthy.
  • Childhood trauma can lead to toxic shame, which is when you feel you are bad and unworthy of love.
  • Childhood trauma can also lead to unhealthy shame, which is when someone doesn’t acknowledge that they’ve done something wrong but still makes the person feel guilty about it.
  • Unhealthy shame can make people feel like they have to hide their feelings because they don’t want others to know what they did or said. This can cause them to isolate themselves from their friends and family members so no one finds out what happened.
  • Unhealthy shame also leads people with low self-esteem because they believe no one likes them or cares about them. This may prevent them from developing relationships with others as well as getting help for whatever issue caused the unhealthy feeling in the first place (like depression).
These are all experiences that can lead to toxic shame as an adult.

In this section, we will be looking at the experiences that can lead to toxic shame as an adult. We will also discuss what toxic shame is and how you can identify it in yourself and others.

In addition, we will discuss the differences between healthy and toxic shame, as well as ways of overcoming feelings of guilt or shame that are not rooted in reality. Finally, we’ll look at some consequences of toxic shame on your life: why they happen and how they affect you (and those around you).

For example:

If my mother didn’t like me when I was little because her own needs weren’t being met by me (e.g., getting attention from my father), I may have internalized that she doesn’t love me or care about me as much as other people’s mothers do/did. It took years for me to recognize this thought pattern for what it was—a coping mechanism developed out of self-hatred stemming from feeling unlovable due to circumstances beyond my control (being born).

For example, if your parents got divorced at an early age, leaving one parent and then the other, who both loved you very much, could cause you to feel like there is something wrong with you as a person which causes people to leave.

For example, if your parents got divorced at an early age, leaving one parent and then the other, who both loved you very much, could cause you to feel like there is something wrong with you as a person which causes people to leave.

Studies show that divorce can be a traumatic experience for children. Children often blame themselves for the breakup of their parents’ marriage. They also often feel like they have done something wrong to cause their parents to break up. Therefore, shame can be seen as a feeling of guilt or remorse about some aspect of oneself (e.g., being unable-to-be perfect in every way) that causes us not only to feel bad about ourselves but also prevents us from admitting it openly because we are afraid others may reject us if they knew how imperfect we were (or still are).

This leaves a child deeply wounded on a place where they cannot even verbalize what’s wrong because they are so young.

When a child is molested and then abandoned by their own parent, that child is left with a number of feelings that they don’t even know how to verbalize. They are left with feelings of shame, guilt and disgust. These feelings can be very damaging if not handled properly.

Child sexual abuse is an emotional trauma for the victim and the family members involved. Even though the abuser may not have been related to the victim in any way (male versus female), it still has devastating effects on everyone in the home who learns about it later on in life when they become adults themselves!


So, what can we do about toxic shame? It’s important to start with awareness—stop and ask yourself how you’re feeling when something triggers you. For example, if your spouse criticizes you in front of others for not doing something right, recognize that the shaming is happening and respond accordingly. If the insults go on for too long without any response from you then it will likely escalate into an argument where neither party wins because they both feel bad about themselves afterwards.

Goals Worksheet (Free) Wed, 23 Mar 2022 02:28:02 +0000

Download this Free Goal's Worksheet Today and Get Started to clarify one major goal for the year!

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You Have Value Mon, 07 Feb 2022 17:42:12 +0000 You Have Value Read More »


Are you undervaluing yourself? Are you struggling to enjoy your successes because of a constant feeling that things could be going better, or others are doing better than you? Don’t let that happen.

I am a work-in-progress and in this journey, I’ve worked hard to realize the power of valuing yourself.

Know your worth and add TIP to it. Live your life on your terms, even if that means not caring about what others think.

When you undervalue yourself, you effect every area of your life. Personally, Mentally, emotionally, physically, financially, socially.


You are the CEO of your own life. If you don’t see your value, why should anyone else?

  • If you are noticing that people don’t respect you or your time, they are always late or needing you last minute with no reguard for what you are doing (you need to check and see where you are missing boundaries). If you find it difficult to set boundaries you don’t value yourself or mental health more than you value others. And so, people can take advantage of you or are rude to you because they feel no sense of value towards you or respect.
  • Once you realize how important you are and how much you contribute to the world, many of your problems will disappear and doors will open where they once stood closed. You’ll be more confident, making you more attractive to others. People will respect your time and appreciate your skills. They’ll be more willing to listen when you have something to say….


  • The health of our mind determines the extent to which we can achieve success and fulfillment in our lives. When we lack in self-worth, we are unable to see the positive side of a bad situation.
  • Our mental outlook directly affects your daily behavior, relationships, and your choices. It affects your ability to find fulfillment in all areas of life–relationships, career, and health. When you can learn to change your mental outlook from a negative one to a positive one you become healthier, happier, and more productive in every aspect of life.


  • Emotionally The problem with undervaluing ourselves is that it becomes a habit, and that habit can become embedded in our everyday lives. You see, by undervaluing yourself you will never reach your true potential or be able to really experience happiness.


  • When you’re feeling down on yourself, you may even experience physical symptoms. There are clear reasons for that, like the depression from low self-esteem will cause you to not take care of yourself. If you eat unhealthy comfort food for every meal, you probably won’t be comfortable in the long-term. You can get chronic fatigue, joint pain and more. If every day is a Relaxing Sunday, you’ll feel less motivated and less refreshed each morning.


If you are not your best self you cannot perform at your best.

When I speak to successful CEO’s I rarely hear them admit to any confidence issues. Some are honest about it, but it’s challenging to admit the higher you get to the TOP.

So, what do we need to do as professionals/entrepreneurs to build self-confidence and esteem.

  1. Worry less about being perfect and focus on making sensible decisions and handling the consequences. (see what is in your control and what isn’t in your control)
  2. Accept that failure is feedback and a great part of life. It’s your biggest teacher.
  3. Commit to your decisions instead of continually doubting yourself.
  4. Even when you’re scared, act courageous so that others will be motivated by your courage.
  5. Enjoy what you do, because you shouldn’t waste a short life doing what doesn’t bring you happiness and satisfaction.
You Need the Right Mindset Mon, 31 Jan 2022 15:40:38 +0000 You Need the Right Mindset Read More »

You don’t need good luck to be successful, you just need the right mindset.

The right mindset/mind-flow will help you stay focused on your goals and makes everything seem possible. Developing your mindset is key to “success.” Success is different for everyone, it is important that you are only measuring what success means to you and not comparing to anyone else.

Maximizing your personal growth is a worthy chase. In fact, many people make personal development their primary purpose in life. But even if you just want to smooth up your rough edges, having an effective mindset for personal growth will make the process more enjoyable and your efforts more fruitful.

  1. Why should we develop our mindset?  Developing your mindset will help you think more positively and overcome any challenges that may come your way. You can do this by identifying the negative thought patterns you have and replacing them with positive ones. Identify your strengths and focus on those to stay focused and work on your weaknesses
  • Make time for yourself; Think about the person you want to become and what you want to stand for: Start by finishing the sentence “I am…”  The moment you compromise yourself for someone else’s definition of your success, you already lost.
  • Write down the ten qualities that are important to you, ether qualities you already have or qualities you wish to obtain in your life.  Make a plan for each quality – set up small goals for yourself, keep track of your progress.
  • Your mindset is everything. What you think about yourself is what you become. You may not have control of the thoughts that come to your mind, but you have the power to control what you will think on and your thoughts for your future. Your mind is a powerful thing, and it’s up to you what you do with it.

Consider developing these qualities to optimize your growth:

  1. An open mind. Personal growth requires considering new perspectives, ideas, habits, and beliefs. If you’re dead set on approaching the world in a particular way, you’re greatly limiting your growth. Only when you are open to all the various possibilities can your growth be maximized.

    1. Consider that if you already had an optimal perspective and approach to everything, you’d already have everything you want, Right? You may be mistaken about multiple things. Are you willing to figure out what those things are?

    1. Are you open to the idea that you might change your objectives based on new things that you discover about the world and yourself?

  1. An interest in learning. Are you willing to learn about goal setting? Overcoming fear? Discipline? Communication skills? Reading about new ideas? There’s a lot that you don’t know that you need to know if you’re going to become everything that you’re capable of being.

  2. The willingness to fail. Trying new things requires failure. It’s rare and lucky to succeed at something the first time. Whether you’re learning to be a better public speaker, taking a class, or learning how to play the violin, there will be failure.

    1. Failure provides the opportunity to learn and then to apply that knowledge during future attempts.

  1. The desire to experiment. Should you eat a vegan, vegetarian, or paleo diet? Try them all and see what works for you. You can’t be certain what you want to have, do, or be until you’ve experimented and found the best answer for yourself.

  2. The ability to set your ego aside. Your ego is a major obstacle when it comes to maximizing your personal growth. Your ego makes you more likely to be certain you’re right when you’re wrong. It leads you to blame others when the fault is your own. It also makes you afraid to fail.

  3. Value improvement over perfection. Daily improvement is incredibly powerful. It’s not possible to be great at something instantly. When you can get excited about improving by 1% at something, you have a great mindset for personal growth.

  4. Patience. Personal growth is an ongoing process. It may take decades to become the best possible version of yourself. Even figuring out the ideal sleeping schedule can take several weeks of trial and error. It takes time to get over your social anxiety or lose weight. Patience is an important factor!

  5. Determination. Changing and growing isn’t for the weak. It’s important to be determined and committed to changing yourself and your life.

    1. Determination is a valuable asset to have in many facets of life. Even people with minimal talent have become incredibly successful through great determination.

Personal growth is challenging, but it can be a lot easier with a mindset that supports your desire to grow. Too many people try to grind their way to progress, but real growth requires more finesse much of the time. Grinding also isn’t sustainable for most people.

Your mindset can be your shortcut to fantastic personal growth. The optimal mindset for personal growth is open, curious, determined, and patient. Take a hard look at your mindset before continuing on your personal development journey.

Productivity and Being Overwhelmed Mon, 31 Jan 2022 15:36:14 +0000 Productivity and Being Overwhelmed Read More »

Have you been listening to multiple webinars? Going on multiple courses? Enrolling yourself in so many things that you are a consumer of information and not an action doer or finishing any one thing well….?

I know for me I have consumed a lot of information and I realized when I did a self-assessment that I was also struggling with anxiousness, FOMO which is the fear of missing out, overwhelm, stagnation, getting stuck.

And I realized that the reason that this was occurring is because instead of me focusing on my present and the journey, enjoying that process and learning from it, I want a quick solution.

And every armchair expert as my friend Brian Penso says they are giving you tons of advice that they probably aren’t even utilizing for themselves. I don’t want to be that person.

Somebody who gives you information that I don’t do for myself, someone who acts like an armchair expert of so many little things but not and expert on anything.

I also do not want to have this anxious feeling of missing out missing out on what? I tell you what I am missing out on is the present moments in the journey. I’m looking at the next thing and not being present with what is current and in my face right now.

Right now at this moment I am with you. I am on Winject TV! I am taking this timeslot with the blessing of Chris Ross. I am going to enjoy this moment.

Here’s what I do to get myself present. And if you are someone who struggles with overwhelm, doubt and anxiousness, I want you to try this;

  1. I sit or lie still, I take 6 deep breaths, Inhaling calm and exhaling frustration, with every breath I let go of overwhelm, stress, confusion. And I make sure to inhale peace and calm.
  • After I’ve done my 6 breaths: Then I look around the room and connect to my environment. I use my 5 senses to notice and see colors, hear sounds, smells, what my hands are touching, can I eat or drink anything. Cup of tea or coffee, etc. If you notice your space is messy. Tidy up.
  • Prioritize: Then I look at all the items I was overwhelmed by and I put them in order of importance. Pick something that you are very interested in and learn it, you will have time to really learn enjoyed the journey of it, and still later if you’re interested in some thing else enroll yourself in that.

Be productive, by enjoying the process of where you are so that you can actually produce.

Stop joining every webinar, seminar, course, book club, and not being able to complete any of them because you were taking on too many..

What I’ve come to the realization is, that one thing at a time is valuable, it is enough, you also still have life happening around you..

And even when you choose what you want, then you have to make a decision on which way you want to consume that information, pick a expert, pick a course, pick a book, one thing you can consume without overwhelming yourself.

For instance, I do a lot of work with my mission-driven, high-performing clients on how to connect their goals, their mindset, their energy, together to create a mind-flow they need for what they are working towards.

I can tell you that because of the work that I do, I get bombarded with so much information from every guru on mindset and mine-flow. I pick a few that I like, I read the information, I keep studying the information, I keep honing in on that craft, and I’m really good at it.

I know that I’m going to be even better as I keep practicing and honing in on that skill.

But I won’t do is what I was doing before which was, YES to every freaking thing that sounded just up my alley. I enrolled myself and NLP and NLP master courses and then I also enrolled myself in course creation, then personal branding and then I also enrolled myself in toast masters and I also enrolled myself in learning social media and I kept on enrolling myself to the point where I did nothing like a pro!!

I was frustrated and pissed because I have no time.. I decided that I will live presently, and I will keep learning for the rest of my days.

You need to take your time and consume each thing fully before you consume the next, when you’re eating breakfast you don’t consume breakfast in” and right during eating your breakfast are you preparing or eating your lunch and while you are preparing and eating your lunch you are preparing and eating your dinner you don’t do that because it’s not logical to consume all three meals in one sitting. Don’t do that with your brain. The same way your body will be overwhelmed by that kind of consumption, so will your brain.

Give yourself permission to stop multi tasking…. It’s not necessary.  We juggle enough with just trying to be an expert in something. Give yourself a break and understand that you will get to it all in your list and even more effectively if you do it one at a time!

Change what you can but don’t worry about what you can’t.


One goal at a time. If you have several competing goals list them by priority. Which is the most important to you, which can wait a bit and which is going to take the longest. Don’t get anxious about leaving one behind because you want to do them all. You will get to them if you use these tips to assess each one.

  1. Ask yourself why? Why do I want to do this?
    • When you ask yourself why, you need to be clear and have a clear picture of what a successful life looks like to you personally because that will mean something different to everyone there isn’t a right or wrong answer.
    • Start to think; if you had absolutely no responsibilities and had all the resources at your fingertips, what would you love to do or create?
    • Start getting some goals on paper. Getting yourself unstuck starts with figuring out what you want and writing it down in as much detail as you can. It’s important that you are as clear as you can be to define what success means to you. This is starting to build your foundation. You can start to work from this point to create the life you want.
  2. Do an assessment of what you are doing now that is helpful to where you want to go..
    • Ask yourself what’s been working well for you
    • How can I use this creatively to move to the next step?
    • For example: looking back at where you started from and seeing how far you’ve come.
    • What skills have you required that can be used moving forward? Exp; I used to be a medical assistant to being a chef, I used my interpersonal skills and caring for others in both careers.
  3. But what if things start to go wrong, how do I deal with it?
    • How do you prepare for the unexpected? Start by walking your goal backwards, making a list of things that could go wrong in your plan moving forward. You may still not be able to pinpoint what may go wrong but you will feel more prepared to handle setbacks. Recognize how that will feel and then create a potential backup plan for each potential problem.
    • For example: I am always turning on my GPS on my phone even when I do know where I am going because my Wayz app will tell me if there is heavy traffic and an alternate route. This may help save me time or at least I can make a choice when the time arrives.
  4. You can have big goals and aspirations to what you want to do, and still fail.  Failure can be good for you!
    • Failure gives you tremendous feedback
    • Failure gives you insight on what works and what doesn’t
    • Failure is part of the journey of success so embrace it.
    • Past Failure shows you how much smarter you are now and how you overcame and won’t do that again
  5. Success = Better Habits
    • You can have discipline and create the results you want if you repeat useful and better actions every day.
    • Once you realize that you have formed the right habits, you will see how you moved the needle forward and got stuff done..
  6. Only you are you!
    • Also remember not to compare yourself to everybody else. You will never be anyone else, you are the only you on this planet.
    • Your brain is so unique to you and your experiences so your points of view will also be unique. That makes you able to create, speak and impact others in your own way.
How big are your goals? How serious are you about achieving them? Sat, 01 May 2021 04:10:18 +0000 How big are your goals? How serious are you about achieving them? Read More »

7 Ways to Arrange Your Life to Get Sh*t Done and Reach Your Goals

If you have goals large and small, working on them here and there whenever it’s convenient will delay ever reaching those goals

If you arrange your life in such a way that supports those goals, however, all aspects of your life will be working together – complementing each other – with the realization of your goals as the result!

Yes, arranging your life around your goals helps you create the life you want!

Use these strategies to make it happen:

  1. Define your goals. Know your goals. This is always the first step. Success isn’t an accident. It requires a vision and intention.
    1. Clarify exactly what you want to happen, in such a detailed way that you can see, hear, smell, taste, and feel all aspects of that life.
  2. People. Are the people in your life supportive of your goals? You have a choice to make. You can spend time with others that make you more likely to be able to live your purpose, or you can spend your time with those that make it less likely for you to live the life you truly want.
    1. Are there others you need to connect with in order to achieve your goals? Maybe it would help to have a banker or two in your life. Maybe a coach or a marketing expert would spur you on. Invite new people into your circle that will support your goals.
    2. You can only spend time with a certain number of people. As they say, you become like the people you spend the most time with. Are you spending time with the right people?
  3. Accountability: Get yourself an accountability coach or partner and be open to someone holding you to it.
  1. Diet. If you want to run a marathon, that’s a different diet than someone that wants to win a bodybuilding contest. Do you need a lot of energy, or do you need a lot of focus? What type of diet allows you to do your best work?
    1. Experiment with several diets and pay attention to how they impact you physically and mentally.
  1. Sleep. What is the optimal amount of sleep for you? You might find that you can pursue your goal much more effectively if you get more sleep. Most people require 7-8 hours of sleep each night to be at their best.
  2. Time. How are you spending your time each day? Are you wasting time on mere distractions or trivial pursuits? When you’re using your time to chase after your goals, are you choosing the most effective actions or the easiest?
    1. Track how you spend your time each day and see what you discover.
  3. Home. Are you living in the right city, neighborhood, or home to best pursue your goals? For example, it would be very difficult to become the world’s greatest skier while living in Illinois. Where do you need to be to maximize the odds of your success?
    1. Should you be living in the city or the country?
    2. East coast or West?
    3. Condo or farm?
    4. Near the mountains or the ocean?
    5. Alone or with others?
  4. Career. Are you making enough money to pursue your goals? Is your career helping or hurting your efforts?
    1. For example, if you need to be free during the day to pursue your goals, then an evening job makes more sense than a day job. 
    2. If your current job or career path doesn’t support the life you want, research one that will and make plans to pursue that path.

Big goals require the coordination of every aspect of your life. If you want to run a 10K, you can work that around your current schedule. If you want to become a billionaire, it’s going to take more than that.

How big are your goals? How serious are you about achieving them? Are you ready to arrange your life to support your goals? You can get started today!



Overcoming challenges can be easy for you if you refuse to give up. Every challenge can and will bow down to your will eventually. You must have the perseverance inside of you to outlast any challenge that comes into your life.


Failure is impossible if you persist long enough.


Your future is inevitable because you have already decided it. Challenges lack the power to change Your future. Only you can alter Your future. Only you can change Your goals and plans. You need to understand this concept to Your core.


You are highly motivated. Your goals are aligned with Your highest values. You are excited by Your goals. Achieving Your goals is the best thing for you and those closest to you.


You are capable. You have the ability to overcome challenges. You know how to find solutions and how to implement them. You are able to ask for help when you need it.


You have overcome many obstacles and challenges in Your life already. Knowing that you have experience in overcoming obstacles gives you even more confidence that you can handle any obstacles you may face in the future.


Today, you are free from worrying about future obstacles. You know that you can handle any obstacle with ease. Your ability to overcome obstacles is boundless.


Self-Reflection Questions:

  1. What is the greatest obstacle I have overcome in my lifetime?
  2. What obstacles can I expect to face while pursuing my goals?
  3. What can I do to avoid or to overcome those obstacles if they occur?
Rest Now: 7 Ways to Say No, Set Boundaries, and Seize Joy Wed, 18 Nov 2020 00:06:42 +0000 Rest Now: 7 Ways to Say No, Set Boundaries, and Seize Joy Read More »


Rest Now: 7 Ways to Say No, Set Boundaries, and Seize Joy

The Practice of Wise-Boundary Setting

Recently, I met someone going through a hard time. God clearly put it upon my heart to set down my work and to pray with her. On the call, I listened to her heart. I allowed her to talk. The minutes ticked by, but I knew the invitation from God was for me to be present in her pain. This calling to love was clear.

At the end of the call she asked, “Kelly, can we be friends? I want to call you with my concerns and you can help me.”

I understood her heart; God had moved on the call. However, I also knew, I could not be her all-in-all. 

To be honest with myself is to say:

1. I do not have the space for a new best friend at this time.

2. I do not have the bandwidth with my family, with ministry and with all God has called me to do — to venture into this woman’s every problem. 

3. To love her this way, means I’d probably have scraps left-over to love my family in other ways. 

I told her, “I am sorry. I cannot have regular calls with you.”

I could feel her disappointment. Yet, she said, “I understand.”

After the call was done, the feelings of being “a bad Christian” washed over me. Was I supposed to say yes, God? Am I selfish? Am I being self-centered? 

No. To reserve God’s love — to the person He is calling you to love — is to persevere in love.

Otherwise, I know how it goes… I’ll act passive-aggressive when all is said and done. I’ll complain about who I had to love.  I’ll get upset at myself later for not saying no.

The burden to love is not always real love. Yet, as we are wise about: who we love, when we love and how God is calling us to move out in love — we will live-out true love.

“If I had the gift of prophecy, and if I understood all of God’s secret plans and possessed all knowledge, and if I had such faith that I could move mountains, but didn’t love others, I would be nothing.” (1 Cor. 13:2)

Without real love, our acts mean nothing. We are left with nothing.

Are you truly loving? Or, are you striving and acting like you are loving? The beginning of true love starts with self-examination.

About “Rest Now: 7 Ways To Say No, Set Boundaries and Seize Joy”

If you feel overwhelmed, you’re not alone. Three out of five people admit to doing more than they can manage. Thinking God requires this, we say, “I must be everything to everyone.” Then we struggle and feel selfish and guilty when we say no, grow weary, or snap at someone out of sheer exhaustion. Is this what God desires? Somewhere along the line of being a good Christian, wife, daughter, or friend we lose sight of who we are in Christ. We put our performance above God and who he says we are. But what if we chose a more soul-full way?

Rest Now offers permission to breathe. It exposes the lies that distract, tire, and bully us, so we don’t strive for rest but love from it, like Jesus did. Learn how to 

– create boundaries that allow you to overflow with love
– say no so you don’t hate yourself later
– ditch passive-aggressive behaviors in favor of healthy conversations
– embrace permission-giving thoughts to create mental space for God

About Kelly Balarie

Kelly is a Cheerleader of Faith and a Fighter of Fear. She’s a get-on-the-gloves kind of girl. By seeking God’s unending encouragement, she uncovers His deep callings right under the surface of her worst failings. Get all of Kelly’s Purposeful Faith blog posts by email for a dose of inspiration and encouragement. Kelly is a blogger at, and Her work has been featured on Relevant and (in), and as the cover story on Today’s Christian Woman
