Fight Back Series: Standing In Your Truth!

Fight Back When the Enemy/Life Hits You Hard!

Week 3 in the series:

  1. Overcoming Shame
  2. The Power of Forgiveness
  3. Standing in your truth
  4. Letting Go so you can receive more
  5. Dream big

The second topic we will talk about in this series is: The Power of Forgiveness

Forgiveness: to cease feeling resentment against (an offender)// to grant relief from payment of _________(a debt you feel is owed)

Week 2 was the power of forgiveness.

Forgiveness can be difficult. It takes super powers to forgive sometimes. See, in our day to day people will do or say things that will piss us off or offend us. The more we learn to forgive the easier it gets, rather than hold a grudge which can consume your life, the Bible teaches us to forgive those we are holding prisoner in our hearts and minds. Having an unforgiving heart leads to bitterness, anger, frustration, destruction and more. A heart that is un-forgiving and bitter cannot love as it ought to love.

Truth: a fact or belief that is accepted as true//that which is true or in accordance with fact or reality.

  1. Standing in Your Truth

I spoke a bit about this in a previous podcast called Truth or Lie?

Here is the reality, since I came out with my book “Hit Me with Your Best Shot” I have had to stand in my truth after exposing my truth. Some members of my family aren’t too happy about it but I don’t need them to be, I need to just be really honest with myself and continue on my healing journey.

Denying things, lying about them or sugar coating, them isn’t going to help me at all. It also impedes on us having true authentic relationships.

Colossians 3:9

9 Don’t lie to one another. You’re done with that old life. It’s like a filthy set of ill-fitting clothes you’ve stripped off and put in the fire.

That’s how I feel, I’m done with that old life, especially now after writing my book. I just held up a smile and kept it moving but struggling with anger, frustration, depression for years.

What hurts the most is lying to ourselves. It just eats at you. It’s wrapped around fear, rejection, pride, frustration, self-worth, feeling unloved or not valued. That’s why most of us just lie to ourselves or others.

How do you overcome all of these challenges that you may have to face when you tell your truth??

There is always someone or something to cause a problem or a situation to block your blessing. What do you do? How Far are you willing to go to overcome and receive your freedom from lies and receive your blessing?

There will always be opposition to what you have to do for yourself. There is always a problem or a situation. You need to be the type of person that will stand in a crowd of opposition and fight and overcome for what you believe in. It’s easier said than done!

I found it much easier not to talk to my family about my pain. Not to mention abuse or how I felt. We all were taught to sweep it under the carpet and never bring it up. Meanwhile they are hurting too but you will never be told this.

So, after many years of sweeping away the pile gets too big and now the carpet is lumpy and worn out. Now, when it’s eating you up with depression, anxiety, frustration and more you feel the need to bring it up because if not you are going to self-destruct, and after so long of everyone ignoring it, you are treated like you are a liar, a betrayer, a terrible person for telling the truth.

Questions I thought of while writing:

Will someone’s very strong opinion, make you question what you believe in or what you should or shouldn’t say?

  • YES! This is why when I was writing my book I didn’t tell anyone what I was really writing about. I knew that it would change my story and change my truth so I don’t hurt anyone, just myself for still not saying what was on my heart and mind.

Are you afraid that what you believe in may not be accepted and therefore you may not be accepted?

  • Um…. Yes!! I had such a hard time with every chapter, I knew that when I exposed all this stuff that I may not be accepted and or my words would not be accepted, from those out there but also and especially from my family. I had to take a deep breath and weather the storm, stand firm in that I would not be moved from telling my truth.

Most of us have been in this situation at least once in our lives. Being there is not the issue, staying there is the issue. I stayed there for far too long!!!!!

Believe me I am still hurting over some responses but I am FREER than I am hurt.

You have to be ready to live your life with truth and self-acceptance. It is shocking to me how people (Me included) still put so much weight on someone else’s acceptance.

There was full-grown wonderful woman waiting to jump out of me and say Hello!!! I realize now that I’m older why much more elderly people tell you how it is whether you like it or not. They are done playing everyone else’s game.

What should you do?

  1. Acknowledge who you are inside and out!
    1. Who are you? What do you stand for? What are your beliefs? The true you, the one hiding behind past definitions of you is ready to be free from all the lies. Welcome!
  2. Now you need to accept who you are at this moment.
    1. You may change later in life, we all change but the key to making a change is accepting who you are right now and by accepting what struggles you deal with, to be disappointed in choices you make but it is okay.. Everyone has struggles! (EVERYONE) Without going through this and having acceptance in yourself, you will constantly feel unworthy of process and the progress you are making. Accept who you are, and I mean fully accept it. Change what you can change, accept what you can’t right now. You are not perfect, but you are perfect enough right here, right now. Remember it and believe it.
  3. Define your truth.
    1. Figuring out your truth, may not be ‘easy peasy’. I believe you already have a glimpse of who you are, but for whatever reason, people and or circumstances, fear of judgment, or just denial, has had you burry your truth deep within you.
    1. If you stop and listen and feel your inner-self, you will become aware of what truths are what the lies are inside of you.
    1. Take the time to think about what I am saying, pray, meditate or journal your thoughts and feelings, spend some time with you.
  4. NOW Stand in your truth.
    1. Define what your truth is and stand with it. People who love you will stand with you.
    1. Now that you know and you unearthed your truths, live it with gusto and pride. Let no one bully you and deny you your truth.
    1. Be fully honest in your truth always.
    1. Don’t hide behind other’s or self- judgment, or anything else for that matter. Your personal truth is just that, truth.
    1. Be set FREE! Change when you need to and stand when you have to.