New Year of Possible Failures

New Year of Possible Failures

Every year we try to preserve our lives by doing the best we can in so that others can see that we are doing well. I think that’s one of the drawbacks for having so much social media for the world… Truth be told we’re going to be dealing more with Rejection and we are going to feel acceptance. I think that’s OK! I have been able to really try to HONE who I am and what I actually believe in.

Truth be told most of us can’t be completely authentic in any of our social media anyway… Because we are really dealing with a superficial view of the world when we use social media as our main way of connecting with others.

I started to realize that even the slightest rejection or comments that were not nice were keeping me in a place where I was concerned about now do I want to see this, do I want to see that, do I want to do this, why would I look doing that, and so on and so on.

I had to sit back and reflect and realize that people who make comments especially ones that I do not know…. do I really care what they have to say? Are they really giving me something that is constructive and will help me in my growth? Or are they just pandering, being a troll, just mean-spirited.

So, I started to put people in categories!

  • Do I truly care about what this person is saying?
  • Is anything that they’re saying really going to propel me forward?
  • Is the content that I’m doing actually for this person? Maybe it’s not, maybe that person is just not the person that I want in my audience.
  • Is it OK to have content that is not for everyone? I started to realize that you can’t be everything to everybody.

Surround yourself with people that are going to be completely honest about their opinion of your work but also people who know what they’re talking about. I always say that if that person has never stepped in the same arena that you are stepped in then they probably do not have much to say about the process.

It is so much easier to stand outside and look in and make your opinions, judgment, decisions about how you would make it….. yeah that person probably has not even try to start what they think you should be doing.

Deal with rejection look at it, it is OK, not ever rejection is a nail in the coffin Rejection. A lot of times people just don’t get what you’re saying and it doesn’t relate to their life. That is OK. We need to learn to separate what we are creating with who we really are as a person. Because you will never ever be able to be 100% of yourself all the time every day that you are in front of a camera or on a microphone or at work etc. etc.

Truth be told most of us will show about 10% to maybe 30% if we really are in front of people because I at the end of the day you are the only one that is with you. You are the only one that talks to you when it’s dark, when you’re using the bathroom, when you’re taking a shower while yourself, etc. etc.

So, understand that even though you are trying to put out there some really great stuff and creative content that honestly is a small tiny part of you and not the full you…. So, don’t take Rejection on as if it is the end-all be-all of who you are as a person.

You are more than that, you are more than what we can see, you are more than what we hear, and you yourself will be discovering all of You as you grow.

For many years I didn’t care about my food being organic or chemicals I was using to clean I could care less! So when people used to ask me about these health and wellness companies and so on I completely rejected it because it wasn’t important to me… Of course, now I am older and I see the value in there so now I am more aware and concerned about these things. So the same people that I rejected back in the past are definitely someone I would listen to more now. Just is just an example of how we can change.

So someone that is rejecting you or something that you are working on right now does not mean that they’ll always reject you and if they always do so what there are other people out there that need to hear what you have to say… So just start creating even if it’s just small. I feel like everything I’m creating right now is small but I’m creating it for audience of one, which is me. I feel like if all of this becomes important to you then now it’s an audience of two, then three then four etc.

So the moral of the story is just go for it! This is going to be a new year… 2021 is going to come. So start creating content if you think that you should’ve been a writer than just right, if you think you should start doing YouTube videos and make videos, if you think you should be a podcast or than start making podcast. The truth is is that in the beginning you are going to feel a lot of rejection and you’ll probably feel a lot of rejection throughout your journey but that is fantastic!

Because that will teach you so much resilience and so much of who you are and what you will or will not except. I am still learning this myself, but I am very very excited about it.

You’re going to have a lot of wins and you’re gonna have a lot of failures but the whole point is, is that you’re stepping out and doing what it is that you’ve been wanting to do and too afraid to do it!

Just do it Ya’ll just do it.

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